• March 27, 2024

In the process of integrating vector graphics into JSViz, we developed svg2vml, a library that provides a common interface for scripting vector graphics in browsers that support either SVG or VML. To use svg2vml you simply script your vector graphics using SVG syntax, and when your page is viewed in a browser that supports VML instead of SVG the library maps the SVG API calls to VML. You get vector support in multiple browsers without having to script to different implementations. The currently supported features are circle, ellipse, rectangle, line, and gradient.

The library lives in the Google Code project hosting site at http://code.google.com/p/svg2vml. There you will find a wiki with examples for using the currently supported features, and a project roadmap that lists future development plans. If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to contribute to the project you can email us (see project site for contact info).

JSViz 0.3.3 Patch #2

March 27, 2024